developing a Struts2 application

developing a Struts2 application

When developing a Struts2 application, there are several best practices to follow to ensure efficiency, maintainability, and security. Here are some key practices along with explanations and a Java example where applicable:

developing a Struts2 application

1.  Use of Struts2 Actions

Actions in Struts2 are responsible for handling requests from the user. It’s crucial to keep actions simple, focused on a single task, and follow the RESTful principles if possible.

Example of a Struts2 action class
     package com.example.actions;

     import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;

     public class HelloAction extends ActionSupport {
         private String message;

         public String execute() {
             message = "Hello, Struts2!";
             return SUCCESS;

         public String getMessage() {
             return message;

2.  Validation and Error Handling

Struts2 provides built-in validation mechanisms that should be utilized to validate user input and handle errors gracefully.

Adding validation to the action class using annotations
     package com.example.actions;

     import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
     import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Action;
     import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Result;
     import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Results;

         @Result(name = "input", location = "/WEB-INF/content/form.jsp")
     public class MyAction extends ActionSupport {
         private String name;

         @Action(value = "/submit")
         public String execute() {
             if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) {
                 addActionError("Name is required.");
                 return INPUT;
             return SUCCESS;

         public void setName(String name) {
    = name;

3.  Avoid Business Logic in Actions

Actions should primarily delegate business logic to service or helper classes to keep them reusable and testable.

Refactoring to separate business logic
     public class MyAction extends ActionSupport {
         private UserService userService;
         private User user;

         public String execute() {
             user = userService.findUserById(userId);
             return SUCCESS;

         // Getter and Setter for userService
         // Getter for user

4.  Use of Struts2 Interceptors

Interceptors in Struts2 allow you to perform tasks such as validation, logging, or security checks before and after the execution of an action.

Defining an interceptor in struts.xml
         <interceptor name="customInterceptor" class="com.example.interceptors.CustomInterceptor"/>
         <interceptor-stack name="customStack">
             <interceptor-ref name="customInterceptor"/>
             <interceptor-ref name="defaultStack"/>

     <action name="myAction" class="com.example.actions.MyAction">
         <interceptor-ref name="customStack"/>

5.  Configuration Management

Maintain clean and organized configuration files (struts.xml) by using modularization and parameterization where appropriate.

Organizing action mappings in struts.xml
     <action name="myAction" class="com.example.actions.MyAction">

6.  Testing

Implement unit tests for actions, validators, and any custom interceptors to ensure functionality and detect issues early.

Testing an action using JUnit
     public class MyActionTest {
         public void testExecute() throws Exception {
             MyAction action = new MyAction();
             action.setUserService(new MockUserService()); // Mock dependency
             action.setUserId(1); // Set required parameters
             String result = action.execute();
             assertEquals("success", result);

Following these best practices helps in developing robust and maintainable Struts2 applications. Each practice contributes to better code organization, performance, and security.