Difference Collection and Collections
In Java, Collection and Collections are related concepts but serve different purposes:

Table of Contents
Explanation: Collection is an interface in the Java Collections Framework (JCF) that represents a group of objects known as elements. It is the root interface of the collection hierarchy and defines operations for basic collection manipulation, such as adding, removing, and accessing elements.
Explanation: Collections, with an ‘s’, is a utility class in Java’s java.util package. It provides static methods (utility methods) for working with objects of type Collection, offering functionalities such as sorting, searching, synchronization, and more.
Differences Between Collection and Collections
1. Interface vs. Utility Class
  Explanation: Collection is an interface that defines methods for basic collection operations. It is implemented by various collection classes (e.g., ArrayList, HashSet). Collections, on the other hand, is a utility class that provides static methods to operate on collections.
2. Purpose
  Explanation: Collection defines the structure and behavior of collections, serving as a foundation for implementing different types of collections. Collections provides utility methods to perform common tasks on collections, such as sorting (Collections.sort()), searching (Collections.binarySearch()), and synchronization (Collections.synchronizedCollection()).
3. Usage
  Explanation: You use the Collection interface when defining or referring to collections in your code. You use the Collections utility class when you need to perform operations on collections that are not specific to any particular implementation.
Explanation: The Collection interface allows you to work with various types of collections:
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Using Collection interface
Collection<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
System.out.println("Names: " + names);
// Using Collections utility class
List<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<>();
Collections.sort(numbers); // Sort the list
System.out.println("Sorted numbers: " + numbers);
In this example, Collection names uses the Collection interface to store and manipulate a list of names. Collections.sort(numbers) uses the Collections utility class to sort a list of integers (List numbers).