Differentiate LinkedHashSet and TreeSet

Differentiate LinkedHashSet and TreeSet

DefinitionLinkedHashSet is an ordered collection that maintains the insertion order of elements. It combines a hash table with a doubly linked list.TreeSet is an ordered collection that maintains its elements in sorted order (natural order or custom comparator).
DuplicatesLinkedHashSet does not allow duplicate elements.TreeSet also does not allow duplicate elements.
OrderingLinkedHashSet maintains the insertion order of elements.TreeSet orders the elements according to a specified order (natural or custom).
Null ValuesLinkedHashSet allows a single null value.TreeSet does not permit null values. If you insert null, it will throw a NullPointerException.
ImplementationLinkedHashSet uses a hash table and a doubly linked list for storage.TreeSet uses a balanced binary search tree (usually a red-black tree) for storage.
Examplejava Set<String> names = new LinkedHashSet<>(); names.add(“Alice”); names.add(“Bob”); names.add(“Charlie”); System.out.println(names);java Set<String> names = new TreeSet<>(); names.add(“Alice”); names.add(“Bob”); names.add(“Charlie”); System.out.println(names);

LinkedHashSet and TreeSet

In the examples above, LinkedHashSet maintains the insertion order of names, while TreeSet orders the names alphabetically. Remember that LinkedHashSet is ideal when you need to maintain insertion order, while TreeSet is useful when you want sorted elements

