Explain Deployment descriptor
A deployment descriptor is an XML file used to configure a web application in Java EE (Enterprise Edition). This file is named web.xml and is located in the WEB-INF directory of a web application. It describes how the web application should be deployed on a server, including details about servlets, filters, listeners, security constraints, and other configurations.
Key Elements of a Deployment Descriptor
1. Â Servlets and Mappings
2. Â Filters and Mappings
3. Â Context Parameters
4. Â Session Configuration
5. Â Error Pages
6. Â Security Configurations

Table of Contents
1. Servlets and Mappings
Defines servlets and their URL patterns.
This configuration maps the ExampleServlet class to the URL pattern /example.
2. Filters and Mappings
Defines filters and their URL patterns or servlet names.
This configuration applies ExampleFilter to all URL patterns (/*).
3. Context Parameters
Defines initialization parameters that are available to the entire web application.
This configuration makes the configFile parameter available to the application.
4. Session Configuration
Configures session timeout settings.
<session-timeout>30</session-timeout> <!-- Timeout in minutes -->
This configuration sets the session timeout to 30 minutes.
5. Error Pages
Defines custom error pages for specific HTTP error codes or exceptions.
This configuration displays error404.html for HTTP 404 errors and error.jsp for any unhandled exceptions.
6. Security Configurations
Defines security constraints, login configurations, and security roles.
<web-resource-name>Protected Area</web-resource-name>
This configuration protects the /protected/* URL pattern and requires form-based authentication with a login page login.html and an error page error.html.
A deployment descriptor (web.xml) is a crucial part of Java EE web applications, providing a centralized configuration for:
- Servlets and Mappings : Define servlets and their URL patterns.
- Filters and Mappings : Apply filters to URL patterns or servlets.
- Context Parameters : Set initialization parameters for the application.
- Session Configuration : Configure session timeout settings.
- Error Pages : Define custom error pages.
- Security Configurations : Set up security constraints, login configurations, and roles.
The deployment descriptor allows for a declarative approach to configuring the web application, ensuring consistent and manageable application deployment.