Thread throws an Exception Synchronized
When a thread throws an exception inside a synchronized block in Java, the following occurs.

Table of Contents
1. Lock Release: If a thread throws an exception while executing code inside a synchronized block, the intrinsic lock (monitor) associated with the synchronized block is automatically released before the exception is propagated up the call stack.
2. Thread Termination: The thread that encountered the exception may terminate if the exception is not caught and handled within the synchronized block or by an enclosing try-catch block. The exception will propagate up the call stack until it is caught by an appropriate catch block or handled by the default uncaught exception handler.
3. Lock Safety: Releasing the lock upon exception ensures that other threads waiting to acquire the lock are not indefinitely blocked, allowing them to proceed with their execution once the lock becomes available.
public class SynchronizedExceptionExample {
private final Object lock = new Object();
public void synchronizedMethod() {
synchronized (lock) {
// Some synchronized code
try {
// Simulate an exception
throw new RuntimeException("Exception inside synchronized block");
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// Exception handling within synchronized block
System.out.println("Caught exception: " + e.getMessage());
public static void main(String[] args) {
SynchronizedExceptionExample example = new SynchronizedExceptionExample();
// Create a thread and call synchronizedMethod
Thread thread = new Thread(() -> {
// Start the thread
In this example, the Exception Synchronized method contains a synchronized block that may throw a RuntimeException. If an exception occurs within the synchronized block, it is caught and handled within the same block. However, if the exception is not caught and handled within the synchronized block or an enclosing try-catch block, it will propagate up the call stack and may terminate the thread. Regardless of whether the exception is caught or not, the lock associated with the synchronized block is released before the exception is propagated, ensuring the safety of other threads Exception Synchronized waiting to acquire the lock.