ALLURE: To tempt by flattery or an attractive offer – allured by the prospect of a new job. Synonyms: lure, decoy, inveigle, entice, seduce, wheedle, beguile, cajole.
Antonym: repel.
AMBIGUOUS: Uncertain, vague, capable of being inter- in more than one way – puzzled by the ambiguous statement.
Synonyms: hazy, obscure, equivocal, dubious, nebulous.
Antonyms: explicit, unquestionable.
AMENABLE: Obedient; willing to submit – amenable to the suggestion.
Synonyms: tractable, docile, responsive.
Antonyms: intractable, refractory, recalcitrant.
AMIABLE: Good-natured; friendly – attracted friends by his amiable disposition.
ANACHRONISM: A thing placed or occurring out of its normal time – A machine gun at the Battle of Yorktown would be an anachronism.
Synonym: complaisant.
ANALOGY (adj.: ANALOGOUS): A relation between two things shown in the resemblance not of the things themselves but of their characteristics – He indicated points of analogy between the two situations. Synonyms: correspondence, affinity.
Antonym: anomaly (a deviation from the general rule).
ANARCHY: State of confusion or lawlessness – a country brought to utter anarchy by civil war. Synonyms: chaos, pandemonium
ANIMUS: A feeling of hatred-felt no animus, even against the enemy.
Synonyms: enmity, rancor, malevolence, animosity.
Antonym: amity.
APATHY (adj.: APATHETIC): Lack of feeling, emotion, or interest – attributed his failure to apathy, rather than lack of ability. Synonyms: torpor, lethargy, sluggishness, listlessness, languor, lassitude, dispassion; (verb) languish. Antonyms: zeal, animation.
BLAND: Gentle; polite; agreeable – a bland diet, without irritating foods. Synonyms: mild, suave (affable or persuasive in manner), soothing, non-irritating. Antonyms: piquant, tart, racy, caustic, acrid, pungent.
BOMBASTIC (noun: BOMBAST): High-sounding; pretentious in language – a bombastic speech, inflated with meaningless high-flown words. Synonyms: ranting, pompous, fustian.
BOORISH: Unrefined in speech or manners – exhibited the boorish manners of a backwoodsman. Synonyms: churlish, uncouth, uncultured, crass. Antonym: suave.
BUCOLIC: Pertaining to the country – a bucolic poem – the joys of the shepherd. Synonyms: pastoral, rustic, rural.
BULWARK: (1) An embankment used as a fortification – a lofty bulwark for defense. Synonym: rampart. 2) A person, idea, or object serving as a protection – acted as a bulwark in the fight against crime.
CACOPHONOUS: Unharmonious sounding – a cacophonous blare of trumpets, noisy and discordant. Synonyms: dissonant, discordant, blatant, strident, raucous. Antonyms: mellifluous, euphonious, dulcet.
CANDID (noun: CANDOR): Frank, outspoken; impartial a candid reply that could hardly be more forthright. Synonyms: artless, ingenuous, unbiased. Antonyms: guileful, evasive.
CANTANKEROUS: Ill-natured; quarrelsome – showed a cantankerous and sullen disposition. Synonyms: petulant, peevish, contentious, pugnacious, testy, choleric, fretful. Antonyms: amiable, affable, equable.
CAPRICIOUS: Inclined, through some whim or fancy change the mind, purpose, or actions suddenly – a capricious person, undependable in mood or temper. Synonyms: fickle, fitful, changeable, erratic, inconstant, crotchety, whimsical, mercurial. Antonyms: steadfast, constant, even-tempered.
CAPTIOUS: Quick to find fault about trifles- a captious critic pouncing on slight laws. Synonyms: hypercritical, carping, carviling, censorious.
CARICATURE: A picture or other description of a person which exaggerates ludicrously one or more of his distinctive features – not a realistic portrait but a malicious caricature.
CASTIGATE: To punish or criticize severely – castigated for using improper language. Synonyms: reprove, upbraid, reprehend, censure, reprimand, chasten. Antonyms: commend, eulogize, laud.
CELESTIAL: Pertaining to the sky; heavenly-a celestial pageant of bright stars. Synonyms: ethereal; (noun) firmament.
CHAUVINIST. An extreme patriot-a chauvinist with most pride in his country. Synonym: jingoist.
CHICANERY: Trickery, deception,- practised chicanery all his shady dealings. Synonyms: duplicity, craft, stratagem, wile, subterfuge.
CHRONIC: Continuing a long time; habitual-a. chronic complaint, persisting for years. Synonyms: persistent, unremitting, inveterate, incessant, constant. Antonyms: intermittent, sporadic, infrequent.
CIRCUMSPECT: Cautious – looked about him circumspectly. Synonyms: prudent, vigilant, discreet, wary. Antonyms: rash, indiscreet, reckless, precipitate, foothardy, temerarious, headstrong.
CIRCUMVENT: To gain an advantage by the use of trick to evade by the use of deception; to go around – circumvented the law by evasive practices. Synonyms: thwart, balk, outwit, delude.
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