built in marker interfaces in java

Built in marker interfaces in java

In Java, there are several built-in marker interfaces that are defined in the Java API and serve specific purposes. These interfaces don’t contain any methods or fields; they are used to indicate certain characteristics or behaviors of classes that implement them. Here are some of the common built-in marker interfaces in Java:

1. Serializable:

The java.io.Serializable interface is used to mark classes that can be serialized. Serialization is the process of converting an object’s state into a byte stream, which can be persisted or transmitted and reconstructed later. Classes implementing Serializable indicate that their instances can be serialized and deserialized.

 * Author: Zameer Ali
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public interface Serializable {
    // No methods, just a marker interface

2. Cloneable:

The java.lang.Cloneable interface is used to indicate that the instances of a class can be cloned. The clone() method, inherited from Object, is used to create a shallow copy of an object. Classes implementing Cloneable indicate that their instances can be cloned.

 * Author: Zameer Ali
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public interface Cloneable {
    // No methods, just a marker interface

3. Remote (for Remote Method Invocation – RMI):

The java.rmi.Remote interface is used in Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) to identify remote objects. Remote objects can be accessed from a different Java Virtual Machine (JVM) over the network.

 * Author: Zameer Ali
 * */
public interface Remote {
    // No methods, just a marker interface

4. EventObject (for Event Handling):

The java.util.EventObject class is not a marker interface, but it’s related to event handling in Java. It is the root class for all event objects. Classes extending EventObject are used in event-driven programming to represent events.

 * Author: Zameer Ali
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public class EventObject extends Object implements Serializable {
    // Class definition for event objects

5. Annotation (for Annotations):

The java.lang.annotation.Annotation interface is not a marker interface, but it’s fundamental for working with annotations in Java. All annotation types automatically implement this interface.

 * Author: Zameer Ali
 * */
public interface Annotation {
    // Methods for annotation elements (not part of the marker interface pattern)

Remember that while these are some of the built-in marker interfaces in Java, modern Java programming often utilizes annotations and other mechanisms to achieve similar goals more flexibly. Annotations provide a powerful way to attach metadata to code elements, and they can carry additional information beyond what simple marker interfaces can convey.

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