Computer Fundamentals MCQs
1) Separate Read/Write heads are required in which of these memory access schemes. A. Random Access B. Sequential Access C. Direct Access D. None of these 2) The ALU of a computer response to the commands coming from A. Primary memory B. Control memory C. External memory D. Cache memory 3) What allows you to print on both sides of the printers? A. Fuser B. Duplexer C. Toner D. Paper swapping unit 4) A register organized to allow to move left or right operations is called a …. A. Counter B. Loader C. Adder D. Shift register 5) Before a disk drive can access any sector record, a computer program has to provide the record‘s disk address what information does this address specify? A. Track number B. Sector number C. Surface number D. All of the above 6) Laser Jet Printer speeds are measured in pages per minute(PPM), what do we use to measure dot-matrix printers? A. Lines per inch B. Lines per sheet C. Characters per inch D. Characters per second 7) Which of the following have the fastest access time? A. Semiconductor Memories B. Magnetic Disks C. Magnetic Taps D. Compact Disks 8) Which printer is very commonly used for desk to publishing? A. Laser Printer B. Ink jet printer C. Daisy wheel printer D. Dot matrix printer 9) What is a common language that computers use to talk with one another on a network? A. Client B. Adapter C. Protocol D. Operating Systems 10) A hard disk is divided into tracks, which are further subdivided into … A. Clusters B. Sectors C. Vectors D. Heads 11) The bar-code which is used on all types of items, is ready by a scanning device directly into the computer. What is the name of this scanning? A. Laser scanner B. Wand C. OCR D. MICRO 12) Which of the following are characteristics of peer to peer networking? A. Limited number of computers involved B. Computer acting as both a client and a server C. Centralized security and admin D. Both A and B 13) Which of the following devices send and receive information from other devices? A. Parallel port B. Serial port C. Video port D. Both A and B 14) What is the name of the reading device which makes use of photo sensors and laser technologies to interpret printed types of even handwritten data directly from the source document? A. MICR B. OCR C. MARK SENSING D. ATM 15) Modem use ………. transmission. A. synchronous B. asynchronous C. timed interval D. PPP 16) Which of the following is a type of preventive maintenance used on a hard drive? A. Disk diagnostics B. Head alignment diagnostics C. Initializing D. Un-initializing 17) The storage location in the internal storage of a CPU are called … A. Contents B. Address C. Locations D. Mask 18) What are alternative names for the internal storage of a computer? A. real storage B. primary memory C. main memory D. Both A and B 19) During the normal PC boot process, which of the following is active first? A. RAM BIOS B. ROM BIOS C. CMOS D. Hard disk information 20) Which of the following chips can be reprogrammed with special electric pulses? A. EPROM B. PROM C. ROM D. EEPROM |
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