factory Pattern in java

Factory Pattern in java with example

The Factory Pattern is a creational design pattern that provides an interface for creating objects in a superclass, but allows subclasses to alter the type of objects that will be created. It involves defining an interface or an abstract class for creating objects and letting the subclasses decide which class to instantiate. This pattern promotes loose coupling and simplifies object creation.

Here’s a simple example of the Factory Pattern in Java:

Example# 1:
 * Author: Zameer Ali Mohil
 * */
// Product interface
interface Product {
    void create();

// ConcreteProductA class
class ConcreteProductA implements Product {
    public void create() {
        System.out.println("Creating ProductA");

// ConcreteProductB class
class ConcreteProductB implements Product {
    public void create() {
        System.out.println("Creating ProductB");

// Creator interface (Factory)
interface Creator {
    Product factoryMethod();

// ConcreteCreatorA class
class ConcreteCreatorA implements Creator {
    public Product factoryMethod() {
        return new ConcreteProductA();

// ConcreteCreatorB class
class ConcreteCreatorB implements Creator {
    public Product factoryMethod() {
        return new ConcreteProductB();

public class FactoryPatternExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Using the Factory Pattern

        // Create an instance of ConcreteCreatorA
        Creator creatorA = new ConcreteCreatorA();
        // Use the factory method to create a Product
        Product productA = creatorA.factoryMethod();
        // Use the created product

        // Create an instance of ConcreteCreatorB
        Creator creatorB = new ConcreteCreatorB();
        // Use the factory method to create a different Product
        Product productB = creatorB.factoryMethod();
        // Use the created product

In this example:

  • Product is an interface representing the product created by the factory.
  • ConcreteProductA and ConcreteProductB are concrete implementations of the Product interface.
  • Creator is an interface representing the factory (creator) with a factory method factoryMethod that returns a Product.
  • ConcreteCreatorA and ConcreteCreatorB are concrete implementations of the Creator interface, each providing a specific implementation of the factory method.

When you run the FactoryPatternExample class, you’ll see output indicating the creation of different products based on the concrete creators:

Creating ProductA
Creating ProductB

This example demonstrates how the Factory Pattern allows you to encapsulate the instantiation of objects, making it easy to introduce new product implementations by creating new concrete creator classes without modifying existing client code.

Example# 2:

Certainly! Let’s consider an example of the Factory Design Pattern for creating different types of mobile interfaces.

factory Pattern in java

 * Author: Zameer Ali Mohil
 * */
// Mobile Interface interface
interface MobileInterface {
    void display();

// Concrete implementations of Mobile Interface
class AndroidInterface implements MobileInterface {
    public void display() {
        System.out.println("Android Interface");

class IOSInterface implements MobileInterface {
    public void display() {
        System.out.println("iOS Interface");

class WindowsInterface implements MobileInterface {
    public void display() {
        System.out.println("Windows Interface");

// Mobile Interface Factory interface
interface MobileInterfaceFactory {
    MobileInterface createInterface();

// Concrete implementations of Mobile Interface Factory
class AndroidInterfaceFactory implements MobileInterfaceFactory {
    public MobileInterface createInterface() {
        return new AndroidInterface();

class IOSInterfaceFactory implements MobileInterfaceFactory {
    public MobileInterface createInterface() {
        return new IOSInterface();

class WindowsInterfaceFactory implements MobileInterfaceFactory {
    public MobileInterface createInterface() {
        return new WindowsInterface();

public class FactoryPatternMobileExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Using the Factory Pattern for creating mobile interfaces

        // Create an instance of AndroidInterfaceFactory
        MobileInterfaceFactory androidFactory = new AndroidInterfaceFactory();
        // Use the factory method to create an Android Interface
        MobileInterface androidInterface = androidFactory.createInterface();
        // Use the created interface

        // Create an instance of IOSInterfaceFactory
        MobileInterfaceFactory iosFactory = new IOSInterfaceFactory();
        // Use the factory method to create an iOS Interface
        MobileInterface iosInterface = iosFactory.createInterface();
        // Use the created interface

        // Create an instance of WindowsInterfaceFactory
        MobileInterfaceFactory windowsFactory = new WindowsInterfaceFactory();
        // Use the factory method to create a Windows Interface
        MobileInterface windowsInterface = windowsFactory.createInterface();
        // Use the created interface

In this example:

  • The MobileInterface interface represents the product created by the factory.
  • Concrete implementations (AndroidInterface, IOSInterface, WindowsInterface) are specific mobile interfaces that implement the MobileInterface interface.
  • The MobileInterfaceFactory interface represents the factory (creator) with a factory method createInterface that returns a MobileInterface.
  • Concrete implementations of MobileInterfaceFactory (AndroidInterfaceFactory, IOSInterfaceFactory, WindowsInterfaceFactory) provide specific implementations of the factory method.

When you run the FactoryPatternMobileExample class, you’ll see output indicating the creation of different mobile interfaces based on the concrete mobile interface factories:

Android Interface
iOS Interface
Windows Interface

This example demonstrates how the Factory Pattern allows you to encapsulate the creation of different types of mobile interfaces, making it easy to introduce new interfaces by creating new concrete interface factories without modifying existing client code.

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