ISSB mechanical aptitude test
Mechanical aptitude test (hint for solving)
- This is very simple test which judge the common sense of the candidates. Candidates are therefore, advised to be very careful in questions. There are generally two types of questions which are added in this test. The first is, which tests the common sense of the candidates. The second is, which tests the mechanical aptitude of the candidates.
Which pair of scissors will cut better “A” or “B” ?

Which gear will take the most turns in a minute?

Which man is carrying the heavier load?

In which of these round jars will the liquid press harder on the bottom?

If the big wheel turns in the direction indicated by arrow, will the pail of water be raised or lowered?

With which system of pulley it is easier to carry the weight A or B?

Which wheel turns faster A or B?

Which of the reflected clock will strike the hour first A or B?

These glasses have just been washed, rinsed and drained, then left to dry on a linoleum work-top. Which glass will dry faster, A or B?

Which of the reflected clock will strike the hour first, A or B?

Which bird will feel more cold during winter A or B?

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