issb picture story writing

issb picture story writing:

  • The third most important test Picture story writing (issb picture story writing) to assess the candidate ability of thinking. In this test picture are shown on projector where candidates have to judge the picture and characters and then write out story on given picture. The pictures are shown black and white without color, and in pictures characters/ objects are invisible to find out.

Number of picture shown:

  • Candidates will show 4 pictures on projector (multimedia). For each picture time is given limited.

Time for each picture:

  • Picture(issb picture story writing) will be shown for 30 seconds on projector (multimedia), are given to candidates for check out, find out the objects and objects activities. Then after 30 seconds, 3.5 minutes are given to candidates write a suitable, readable and meaning able story on given picture. Same time duration will be given for other 3 pictures.

Tips for writing story on picture:

Before getting start read Tips for Picture story and follow each of one:

  • Find out objects carefully from picture.
  • After 30 seconds, make a story in your mind before writing on page.
  • Written story must be related to yourself.
  • Write story short but meaning full.
  • Give character name, age and profession in starting of story.
  • Give conclusion of story in the last.
  • Once you completed story try to read yourself once.
  • Don’t hesitate, keep normal attitude.

List of Solved Pictures (issb picture story writing)

picture: 04

issb picture story writing

Scene: A lady walking on a rough road.

Rabia a young lady with a pleasing personality was serving as a teacher in a remote village. Her husband who was serving in operational area in Kashmir area was killed in action. He was a JCO, who was intelligent, ambitious and sincere worker. He had a great aspiration to become a successful officer.

Rabia, hence decide to fulfil the long cherished desire of her husband. She gave best possible education to her son Rasheed. Rasheed too evinced keen interest in studies and topped in XII class exam, in his school.

He took up competitive exam for PMA and go selected in his first attempt. In the academy too, he was able to bag all round best cadet award winning sword of honour. Rabia, feels herself a proud mother and so is her late husband must be feeling in heaven.

picture: 05

issb picture story writing

Scene: A person with a lamp in his left hand in a jungle.

There was a grave-yard outside the city, nearby a thick jungle. It used to be a dreaded place where many a travellers were snatched/ looted, when they passed through. It was found that a person with a flickering light of lamp appeared on the scene and disappeared after robbing passers by. Rasheed Ali and Sahil ahmed both servicemen decided to catch the wicked person.

They took position in the bushes nearby the grave-yard. When they noticed some movement, they advanced slowly. They were met with a burly stocky built person with a lantern. These soldiers immediately pounced upon the robber and asked him to “hands up” while pointing the gun to him. Thus the mid-way robber was caught and handed over to police for punishment.

picture: 06

issb picture story writing

Scene: Ship sailing, while other saying good bye.

Mr Saqib ahmed was the group Capt In Pakistan navy. He desired that his son Shoaib Ahmed should also join his profession and survive for country.

After getting commission in Pakistan navy his son is going on a mission for the first time, we see in the picture his whole family including his father waving hands and wishing him good luck with lots of prayers and best wishes.

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issb picture story writing

issb picture story writing

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  1. IRSHAD says:

    Good đź‘Ť

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