Solved Picture Story Writing in ISSB

Solved Picture Story Writing in ISSB (Part-04)


  • The third most important test (Solved Picture Story Writing in ISSB) to assess the candidate ability of thinking. In this test picture are shown on projector where candidates have to judge the picture and characters and then write out story on given picture. The pictures are shown black and white without color, and in pictures characters/ objects are invisible to find out.  

Number of picture shown:

  • Candidates will show 4 pictures on projector (multimedia). For each picture time is given limited.

Time for each picture:

  1. Find out objects carefully from picture.
  2. After 30 seconds, make a story in your mind before writing on page.
  3. Written story must be related to yourself.
  4. Write story short but meaning full.
  5. Give character name, age and profession in starting of story.
  6. Give conclusion of story in the last.
  7. Once you completed story try to read yourself once.
  8. Don’t hesitate, keep normal attitude.


  • These are test, Psychological tests (WAT, Picture story writing, Pointer story writing, SCT) which decide recommendation of candidates because interview will conduct on these tests base.

Solved Picture Story Writing in ISSB

Some solved picture example is given below:

Picture# 10:

Solved Picture Story Writing in ISSB

Scene: A group of students reading notice board.

MAO collage displayed a “Notice board” that the college will remain closed for an indefinite period. This step was taken in view of students “notice board”.

Sahil was a brilliant student and a scholarship holder of the college. He was disturbed over the “Scenario”; especially, when annual examination was drawing close. He, therefore, approached the President of student’s Union to do something to avert the situation. But he was apprised that college authorities are not accepting their genuine demands, hence they will go on strike.

Sahil appealed and persuaded the college authorities and student’s Union to sort-out the difference and an amicable settlement was arrived between both the parties. Hence strike was called-off.

Picture# 11:

Solved Picture Story Writing in ISSB

Scene: A Dam project.

Shahid was a brilliant student of B.Sc. he had a great desire to become a successful engineer. He set his heart to achieve this goal. He took-up entrance test for admission to UET University one of the oldest and renowned University in the country. By dint of hard work, he came in the merit list and joined the prized institution.

His father was a famous builder in Lahore. He had his own construction enterprise. He wanted his son to join this concern. But he refused as he desired to run into national main-stream and make the country prosperous by constructing various Dams and projects.

His father therefore allowed him to join government service and today he is chairman of NEPA in Lahore and advisor for constructing various projects.

Picture# 12:

Solved Picture Story Writing in ISSB

Scene: Work hard till you succeed.

Mr Saqib was an ambitious young man. He always longed to become a re-nowned judge. He therefore took up law course from Karachi College. Beside attending LLB classes he had undertaken tuition work for meeting his necessary expenses.

After becoming law graduate he took up competitive examination for the post of civil judge. By dint of hard work and calibre, he was selected. Ultimately he rose to the rank of district judge. He is delivering fine judgements without any rear, bias and greed.

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